just breathe.



Moxie is defined as a force of character, determination or nerve. 


One afternoon I was talking to my colleague about their understanding of what it means to be an empowered woman, one colleague said "knowledge... through that you can be confident." 

here is a list of women that I believe have "MOXIE", who dominate their industries with their vast knowledge and skill. 

Before we get into any of that I need to just highlight and honour all the women in my life who sow seeds of light everyday. You are greatly appreciated and have inspired this thread. 


Frida Kahlo

A 20th century phenomena, a feminist and pioneer. An artist who I believe truly plays on her intuition to create work that is timeless.

What I love most about Frida is her knowledge of self, all her art shows this voyage on the matter of life and heart. Her work echoes real pain, convicts and perfectly displays the depth of betrayal. This sort of communication requires such a deep surrender. 

That to me is moxie.


Beyonce Knowles Carter

Without any doubt.

Beyonce has never dropped the ball.

What I find most inspirational about Queen Bey is her commitment. her sheer dedication to her craft, I grew up on Beyonce and that was my first interaction with feminism. I could never understand why I would leave any youtube video on her performances just more excited to be my own woman. As a young girl seeing her in her element, doing something she loves, so freely with nothing but joy and gratitude on her face, as a black woman, was just so hard to comprehend but yet there she was on my screen. Beyonce has managed to capture the hearts of many because of her transparency and talent. 



Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Nigerian Born TedEx Speaker, Author, Chimamanda has been so core to how i've constructed my understanding of femininity. What I most adore about Chimamanda is her determination to expand the dialogue around the conversation of identity. She explores the complexity of it all in such simple terms whilst maintaining such a poise. She isn't afraid to say what is true to her. Her ability to articulate herself so eloquently needs to be studied!


Naomi Campbell

An Icon. A Legend.

Naomi has pushed past so many boundaries with her ability to embody such versatility in her profession, able to adapt to any story board while maintaining such a powerful and fierce frame. An artist.